ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2016, 73(5): 492–502
Structural Botany

Morphological features of seeds of the Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae) species in the flora of Ukraine

Danylevska O.M.1, Futorna O.A.2,3

Seed morphology of 10 species of Pedicularis was studied. Morphological features of seeds (size, shape, surface ultrastructure, cell shape, characters of anticlinal and periclinal cell walls) were investigated and analyzed. Seed morphological characteristics of 10 species of the genus which are present in the Ukrainian flora are described. The two types of ultrastructure (reticulate and rugose) were distinguished. The reticulate type is characterized by the following features: raised, straight, thickened anticlinal walls, flat periclinal walls with granular ultrasculpture. The reticulate type is subdivided into five subtypes: regular reticulate, reticular-foveae, reticular-coliculate, reticular-membranous, reticular-ladder-like. Indistinct cells of the testa and striated-wrinkled ultrasculpture of the periclinal wall are peculiar for the rugose type. These types of seed ultrastructure can be used as additional diagnostic features at the species level.

Keywords: Pedicularis, ultrastructure, SEM study, Ukrainian flora

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