ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2016, 73(5): 503–509
Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology

Gibberellin-like substances in ontogenesis of the water fern Salvinia natans (Salviniaceae)

Vasyuk V.A., Lichnevskiy R.V., Kosakivska I.V.

The pattern of gibberellin-like substances accumulation and localization in organs of heterosporous annual water fern Salvinia natans at the various stages of ontogenesis was studied. For the first time, gibberellin GA3, which dynamics and localization allow to classify it as 'working' gibberellin, was identified in the fern organs using the high-performance chromatography – mass-spectrometry. The largest amount of free GA3 was found in floating fronds while submerged ones showed insignificant accumulations of bound forms. At the stages of sporophyte growth and formation of sporocarps there was observed some increase in bound GA3 forms content. Sporocarp accumulation was characterized by almost a fourfold increase in bound forms content. Predominance of gibberellins free forms over bound ones was reported for all organs and at all phenological phases while submerged fronds contained higer quantities of free forms. Dynamics of changes in gibberellins content in organs of S. natans corresponds with the fern development stages and indirectly indicate that the phytohormone is involved in the regulation of growth and reproduction processes.

Keywords: Salvinia natans, gibberellins-like substances, ontogenesis, growth, development

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