ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2018, 75(1): 59–69
Vegetation Science, Ecology, Conservation

Transformation of the vegetation cover and change in environmental conditions as affected by plantations of Pinus sylvestris (Pinaceae) in Podilski Tovtry National Nature Park

Odukalets I.O.1, Korotka I.A.2, Pashkevych N.A.3, Lubinska L.H.4, Horbniak L.T.1

Changes in the ecological conditions of meadow-steppe and steppe phytocoenoses under the influence of plantations of Pinus sylvestris in Podilski Tovtry National Nature Park are investigated. The authors analysed the environmental conditions of the studied areas and their floristic saturation, which was formed as a result of succession. Ecological and cenotic comparison of xerophytic herbaceous and forest groups, including of P. sylvestris, was carried out. It is shown that the areas I, II and III at the initial stage of formation are the areas that are overgrown with pine trees and species that are typical for the initial stages of succession of forest groups, predominating in the grassy tier. It was revealed that IV–VII areas have a narrow amplitude of environmental factors and more developed vegetation cover. It has been established that the amplitude of the fluctuation of the humidity factor for all studied areas indicates the stenotopicity of the groups typical for the fresh forest-meadow ecotopes. It was revealed that soil aeration indices closely correlate with moisture indices. The carbonate index for all areas indicates the formation of groups in neutral conditions. According to the studied edaphic factors, the value of ecological indicators of humidification and aeration variability of soil for VIII steppe area are within the ecological amplitude for plantations. It is shown that soil acidity and carbonate content are differentiating and limiting factors for P. sylvestris. It has been found that the warmest factors in terms of the factor of thermoregulation and the least illuminated by indicators of illumination factor are IV–VII areas, and area VIII is the most illuminated. It has been established that the studied plantations are representatives of a stenotope group and are typical for fresh meadow ecotopes. We analysed influence of pine plantation on the rare species reproduction. It is demonstrated that before P. sylvestris was planted, groups of the association Festuco valesiacae-Caricetum humilis (Cl. Festuco-Brometea) were represented on these areas, with rare species including Pulsatilla grandis.

Keywords: Pinus sylvestris, transformation, environmental conditions, synphytoindication, plantations, succession, Podilski Tovtry National Nature Park

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