ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2017, 74(3): 227–247
Vegetation Science, Ecology, Conservation

Methodological principles of selection and assessment of ecomers (using the Dnister Canyon as a case study)

Didukh Ya.P., Rozenblit Yu.V.

An analysis of the terms and basic methodological approaches to determination of topological vegetation units, ecomers, represented as diagnostic sigma-syntaxa, was conducted. The Dnister Canyon was selected as an example for the study. In this area, the Dnister River cuts the Tovtry hills chain, so that slopes of the river valley form a composite geomorphological complex considered as a mesocombination. For the Dnister Canyon, seven types of ecomers and determined sigma-syntaxa, which characterize their coenotic specificity, were revealed. Their quantitative assessment based on the methodology of synphytoindication was made and differentiation of β-coenodiversity in relation to changes of main ecofactors was evaluated. It has been proved that typification of ecomers and a set of their links depend on the exposure and steepness of the slopes that define changes of main ecofactors and characterize landscape uniqueness.

Keywords: β-differentiation, symphytosociology, sigmetum, mesocombination, environmental indices

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