ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2017, 74(3): 220–226
Fungi and Fungi-like Organisms

Mycobiota of anthropogenic and natural underground objects

Martynenko S.V., Kondratiuk T.O., Sukhomlyn M.M.

Recent publications on microscopic fungi of natural and artificial underground objects as well as influence of these fungi on troglofauna, condition of the constructions and public health are reviewed. It is demonstrated that microfungi of some artificial underground constructions are poorly studied. Most publications refer to species diversity and distribution of mycobiota in urban subway and building basements. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of fungal occurence in the underground constructions mainly depend on their depth, ventilation mode and contact with the ground. Results of some studies show active development of well-known biodestructors as well as pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic species in urban water collection systems.

Keywords: review, microscopic fungi, troglofauna, subway, storm sewer systems, biodestruction

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