ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2014, 71(6): 676–689
Plant Taxonomy, Geography and Floristics

The genus Lathyrus (Fabaceae) in the flora of Ukraine

Krytska L.I.

The nomenclatural types are given for majority of species, the synonymy and information about ecological conditions and geographical distribution are provided for each species. The key for identification of species are given. Subgen. 3. Nissolia (Rchb.) Peterm. Subgen. 2. Orobus (L.) Peterm. [ sect. 7. Orobus (L.) Gren. et Godr. (subsect. 1. Palustres (Bässler) Krytzka, comb. nov., subsect. 2. Nigricantes Czefr.: ser. 1. Nigri Fritsch ex Czefr., ser. 2. Incurvi Bässler, subsect. 3. Montani Czefr.); sect. 8. Pseudorobus (Czefr.) Krytzka, comb. nov., sect. 9. Pisiformes (Czefr.) Czefr., sect. 10. Eurytrichon Bässler, sect. 11. Pratenses Bässler, sect. 12. Variiflori (Czefr.) Czefr., sect. 13. Lathyrostylis (Griseb.) Bässler, sect. 14. Viciopsis Kupicha, sect. 15. Linearicarpus Kupicha, sect. 16. Aphaca (Mill.) Dumort.]. The article is devoted to the critically studied genus Lathyrus L. in the flora of Ukraine. It is ascertained that Ukrainian flora includes 31 species of the genus, belonging to 3 subgenera and 16 sections. The system of the genus was improved and 2 new combinations are made: gen. Lathyrus L., subgen. 1. Lathyrus. (sect. 1. Lathyrus; sect. 2. Rotundifolii Czefr., sect. 3. Apteri (Czefr.) Czefr., sect. 4. Odorati Czefr., sect. 5. Cicercula (Medik.) Gren. et Godr., sect. 6. Orobastrum Boiss.).

Keywords: subgenus, section, subsection, series, species, protologue, type, lectotype, Lathyrus, Orobus, Nissolia, Fabaceae, Ukraine

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