ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2014, 71(2): 182–187
Plant Taxonomy, Geography and Floristics

Taxonomic analysis of some species of the genus Crataegus (Rosaceae) from the flora of Crimea

V.Yu. Letukhova1, I.L. Potapenko1, M.M. Fedoronchuk2

Morphological characteristics of the critical plant species of the genus Crataegus L. (C. pojarkovae Kossych, C. orientalis M. Bieb., C. taurica Pojark., C. stankovii Kossych) growing in the South-West Crimea were studied in detail. The following features of the living plants were analyzed: architectonics of plant crownes, colour of bark and leaves, morphometric characteristics of the leaf blades, size and color of the fruits. Due to results of the analysis, as well as a lack of hybrid forms within common distribution areas, at present there is no sufficient reason to consider C. pojarkovae as a subspecies of C. orientalis and C. taurica as a synonym of C. meyeri. Both these taxa should be treated as separate species of the genus Crataegus. The status of C. stankovii requires additional cytological study.

Keywords: Crataegus (Rosaceae), hybridization, polymorphism, morphological species concept, South-West Crimea, flora of Crimea

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