ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
  • 4 of 18
Ukr. Bot. J. 2014, 71(2): 161–172
Vegetation Science, Ecology, Conservation

Adaptive strategy of Impatiens parviflora (Balsaminaceae) in the secondary range. I. Patterns of population organization along the environmental gradient

M.O. Golivets

A morphometric analysis of the 20 local populations of I. parviflora within its introduced range, combined with a comprehensive literature-based comparative analysis of the primary and the secondary ranges has proved to be an effective approach to identify key elements of the species’ adaptive strategy. A number of organization patterns of the alien species populations have been revealed. The main abiotic factors, which are in due for the local spread of I. parviflora are relative light intensity under tree canopy and soil moisture. The species is characterized by high overall ecological and phenotypic plasticity, as well as by the high level of intrapopulation phenotypic variability. Among the 20 studied metric and allometric morphological traits, the most variable and plastic were those related to the species’ reproductive capacity. The biomass allocation pattern of I. parviflora is consistent with the optimal partitioning theory. Morphological differentiation of the individuals within the populations is highly pronounced when intraspecific competition is strong.

Keywords: alien species, morphometric analysis, population analysis, plasticity, variability

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