ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2023, 80(1): 84–93
Vegetation Science, Ecology, Conservation

Ecological and coenotic characteristics of the Dokuchaev windbreaks and shelterbelts of Kirovohrad Region

Hetman P.A.

Based on the methods of transverse transects and phytoindication, results of the analysis of ecological and cenotic status of the Dokuchaev shelterbelts and their extremities are provided. A combination of various ecological conditions characterizing formation of vegetation cover in the protective shelterbelts is demonstrated. The current state of plant communities of the forest strips is described. A regionally rare plant species in Kirovohrad Region, Convallaria majalis, is reported. It was established that the investigated shelterbelts were formed under forest-meadow and forest-steppe conditions. The analysis of coenotic features of all studied shelterbelts has proved that they have similar species composition and communities structure. The Dokuchaev windbreaks and shelterbelts need further monitoring of changes in their plantation structure, distribution and introduction of new plant species, as well as ecological and sanitary conditions.

Keywords: ecotope, Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine, phytoindication, shelterbelts, transect

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