ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2020, 77(4): 314–323
Biotechnology, Physiology and Biochemistry

The features of forest plant photosynthetic apparatus functioning under the different light supply

Topchiy N.M., Mykhaylenko N.F., Onoiko O.B., Syvash O.O.

The functional state of the photosynthetic apparatus of shade-tolerant forest herbaceous species (Polygonatum multiflorum, Convallaria majalis, Asarum europaeum) and shrub layer plants (Padus avium, Corylus avellana, Euonymus europaeus) from various plots differing in light supply levels has been studied. Maximum quantum yield of photochemical reactions in photosystems II (Fv/Fm) of plants from different layers and plots was in the range 0.766–0.815. Higher Fv/Fm values were found in herbaceous species from the plot better provided with water and mineral elements, but more shaded. At low photon flux density (PFD) of actinic light (80 µmol (quantum)·m–2·s–1), herbaceous plants from this plot had also higher effective quantum yield of PSII (F′v/F′m), photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (qP) and quantum yield of electron transport (ϕPSII). Lower levels of non-photochemical quenching (qN) of fluorescence in the antenna of herbaceous plants at low PFD indicate a lesser part of energy dissipation in the lightharvesting complex. At high PFD (800 µmol (quantum)·m–2·s–1) it was revealed the decrease in F′v/F′m, ϕPSII and qP (especially qP in Asarum europaeum and Convallaria majalis) and the increase in qN in all herbaceous plant species from different plots. The values of qP and ϕPSII parameters at both low and high PFD of actinic light were higher in Padus avium and Euonymus europaeus from a less illuminated plot. Higher ϕPSII and lower qN levels in shrub layer plants from a more shaded plot show their more efficient solar energy utilization in photosynthetic processes. Higher absolute values of qP and ϕPSII parameters in shrub layer plants at 800 µmol (quantum)·m–2·s–1 indicate their higher resistance to high light intensity compared to herbaceous species. Investigated plants of herbaceous and shrub layers are characterized by high plasticity of the photosynthetic apparatus, that provides to their growth both under the forest canopy and in open areas.

Keywords: fluorescence, herbaceous plants, light supply, photosynthesis, shrub layer plants

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