ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
  • 6 of 9
Ukr. Bot. J. 2020, 77(4): 305–313
Floristic Records

The first find of Myurella sibirica (Plagiotheciaceae, Bryophyta) in Ukraine

Nyporko S.O.1, Vashenyak Yu.A.2

The first record of a new for the flora of Ukraine species Myurella sibirica is reported. The species was found on the slope of Maslyatyn Mt. (at 381 m a.s.l.) in the Kremenets Mountains National Nature Park (Ternopil Region). It grew among other mosses on the soil layers in the cracks of vertical limestone wall, under the canopy of Betula klokovii near the forest meadow. Myurella sibirica is quite rare in the mountains of Europe and more common in mountains of Asia and North America. The species is listed in The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (Vulnerable), Red Data Book of European Bryophytes (Endangered), European Red List of Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts (Vulnerable) and several Red lists of European countries. Brief morphological characteristics, distinctions from other two species recorded in Ukraine (M. julacea and M. tenerrima), geographical distribution, ecological and coenotic peculiarities of the species, as well as original illustrations of the Ukrainian population are provided. Some issues on conservation of M. sibirica in Ukraine are discussed. The new record of M. sibirica is considered to represent a relict population.

Keywords: bryophytes, Kremenets Mountains National Nature Park, Myurella sibirica, new record, Ukraine

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