ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2020, 77(4): 283–293
Vegetation Science, Ecology, Conservation

Vasylkivskyi Steppe, the largest non-protected interfluve steppe section of the Left Bank Ukraine

Didukh Ya.P.1, Kolomiychuk V.P.2, Futorna O.A.1

We present here the data on vegetation of the largest steppe section of the Left Bank of the Ukrainian steppe zone. That plot, known as the Vasylkivskyi Steppe (total area 10714.4 hectares), is located in the interfluves of the Samara and Vovcha rivers. The history of its existence resulting from the establishment of the Pavlograd Artillery Range is discussed. The data of physical and geographical conditions of this territory is provided, features of the vegetation cover of the former landfill are characterized. The base of the site is formed by steppes of cl. Festuco-Brometea (all. Festucion valesiacae (ass. Salvio nemorosae-Festucetum valesiacae var. Vicia tenuifolia) and all. Stipo lessingianae-Salvion nutantis (as. Stipo lessingianae-Salvietum nutantis) classes with the inclusion of all. Tanaceto millefolii-Salvietum nemorosae on the southern slopes and distribution of meadow communities with minor salinization of classes Festuco-Puccinellietea (ass. Festucetum regelianae) and Artemisietea vulgaris (ass. Convolvulo-Brometum inermis and Cardarietum drabae) at bottoms of thalwegs. Areas of shrub communities of cl. Rhamno-Prunetea (ass. Rhamno-Prunetum stepposae and Sambuco nigra-Aceretum negundo) and cl. Robinietea (Elytrigio repenis-Robinietum pseudoacaciae) also occur, which testifies to the processes of expansion of meadows and shrub communities, and afforestation. An estimation of the ecological regime of the groups on the basis of the synfitoindication approach is presented. Two vectors of ecofactor indicators which determine the differentiation of plant communities are established. One is related to soil moisture, aeration, mineral forms of nitrogen compounds content and hydrothermal conditions, where the most remote positions are occupied by shrubs, and the other, having the opposite orientation, where the most remote positions are occupied by steppe communities of associations Stipo lessingetianisnutviantis-nutviantis var. Poa angustifolia and Tanaceto millefolii-Salvietum nemorosae, which are determined by soil chemical properties, thermal regime, and illumination. Festucion valesiacae communities exist in optimal conditions. Establishment of a national landscape reserve with appropriate conservation mode is proposed.

Supplementary Material. Electronic Supplement (Table E1, e11) is available in the online version of this article.

Keywords: Festuco-Brometea, phytoindication, protection, Vasilkivsky Steppe, vegetation

Full text: PDF (Ukr) 1.31M

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