ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
  • 8 of 10
Ukr. Bot. J. 2017, 74(6): 574–577
Floristic Records

New localities of Iris sibirica (Iridaceae) from Lviv Region

Seniv M.M., Tasenkevych L.O.

Three new localities of vulnerable Red Book of Ukraine's species Iris sibirica L. (Iridaceae) have been found in damp meadows near Naditychi village (Mykolaiv District, Lviv Region). Two of those sites are occupied by Lysimachio vulgarisFilipenduletum ulmariae Balátová-Tuláčková 1978 and one – by Valeriano-Filipenduletum Siss. in Westh. et all. 1946. Of 13 locations of I. sibirica known to this time from literature and herbarium collections for Lviv Region, only 5 were recently confirmed. Decrease in their number is caused by drainage and plowing of damp meadows, as well as by excavation of rhizomes and picking flowers for bouquets. To protect I. sibirica near Naditychi, establishment of reserve is proposed. A schematic map of new sites as well as information on the status of populations are provided.

Keywords: Iris sibirica, vulnerable species, new localities, village Naditychi

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