ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2017, 74(6): 562–573
Vegetation Science, Ecology, Conservation

Syntaxonomy of halophytic vegetation of Kuialnyk Estuary

Dubyna D.V.1,2, Ennan A.A.2, Dziuba T.P.1,2, Vakarenko L.P.1,2, Shykhaleeva H.M.2

The present state of halophytic vegetation of the coastal part of the Kuialnyk Estuary is determined and an analysis of its syntaxonomic diversity is carried out. 27 syntaxa of ranks of association and variant belonging to 9 alliances, 7 orders and 4 classes: Therosalicornietea, Festuco-Puccinellietea, Juncetea maritimi and Bolboschoenetea maritimi, are highlighted. New associations Puccinellio distantis-Juncetum gerardii, Puccinellio distantis-Petrosimonietum triandrae, and Anisantho tectori-Glycyrrhizetum glabrae are described. Phytocenotic characteristics of the estuary is discussed; despite its hypersaline conditions, there are no communities of perennial halophytes of class Kalidietea foliati, compared to other areas, communities of classes Juncetea maritimi and Bolboschoenetea maritimi are very rare. The vulnerability of vegetation of the estuary is demonstrated, and the need to establish there a national nature park is emphasized.

Keywords: halophytic vegetation, syntaxonomic diversity, Kuialnyk Estuary, Ukraine

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