ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2017, 74(4): 355–359
Vegetation Science, Ecology, Conservation

Ceratophyllum tanaiticum (Ceratophyllaceae) in lakes of the Supiy River Delta (Middle Dnipro area)

Schevchyk V.L., Solomakha I.V., Solomakha V.A.

A rare relict species, Ceratophyllum tanaiticum, was found in three lakes during surveys of floodplain vegetation in the lower reaches of the Supiy River (Cherkasy Region, Ukraine). These lakes are located on the left bank of the Supiy River, near its confluence with the Dovhun River, which is actually one of the former riverbeds of the Dnipro River. The studied area is represented by floodplain complexes formed by segments of the old floodplain, terrace depressions nearby and upland terrace. There are many small (less than several ares in area) bayou lakes, filled with water during floods, which due to special character of underlying surface (fascia of fine-grained sand and loam) dry out very slow during periods of low water levels in late summer and autumn. The localities of C. tanaiticum, where it plays a role of codominant and assectator in hydrophyte communities, represent habitats of little overgrown drying eutrophic reservoirs with organogenic benthic sediments. Plant communities featuring species identify relatively clean reservoirs. Ensuring sufficient water level in specific reservoirs – drying bayou floodplain lakelets – in the first half of vegetation season may be considered as the main conservation measures for C. tanaiticum.

Keywords: Ceratophyllum tanaiticum, protection, Supiy River Delta, Middle Dnipro

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