ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2017, 74(1): 26–34
Vegetation Science, Ecology, Conservation

The ecological-cenotic differentiation of rare plant species in zonal ecosystems of the Vorskla River basin

Bayrak O.M.1, Shaparenko I.Ye.2, Korotchenko I.A.3

The ecological-cenotic characteristics of rare species of plants in deciduous forests (56 species) and meadow steppes (78 species) in the Vorskla River basin are provided. The forest species belong to 5 associations, 4 unions of Carpino-Fagetea class, the steppe ones – to 18 associations, 5 unions of Festuco-Brometea class. It is detected that most of the rare species grow in cenoses of unions Scillo sibericae-Quercion roboris (26 species, as. Stellario holosteae-Aceretum platanoidis) and Carpinion betuli (22 species, as. Galeobdolono lutei-Carpinetum), which are characterized by optimal edaphic conditions. Sozologically the most valuable among steppe cenoses are associations of unions Festucion valesiacae (40 species) and Fragario viridis-Trifolion montani (37 species), which are located in xerophytic ecotopes with high carbonate percentage. Among rare plants of Astragalo-Stipion union, a significant part of the species on their range borders has been noticed (12 from 32 species). The indicators of edaphic and climate factors of phytocenoses were also analyzed. Limiting factors for distribution of the rare forest and steppe plant species are reported.

Keywords: rare species, environmental factors, zonal ecosystems, synphytoindication, Vorskla River basin

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