ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
  • 4 of 13
Ukr. Bot. J. 2016, 73(4): 355–360
Vegetation Science, Ecology, Conservation

Forest vegetation of Biloozersky National Nature Park

Jarova O.A.

Results of studies of forest vegetation in Biloozersky NNP, which covers 92.4% of the Park area, are given. The classification of forest vegetation based on the dominant system is proposed. The forest vegetation is represented by communities of the formations Pineta sylvestris, Querceta roboris, Alneta glutinosae, Betuleta pendulae, and Populeta tremulae. The area is dominated by pine forest (about 70%), the areas of oak-pine and oak forests are significantly smaller. The most frequent are pine green-moss forests. Under similar environmental conditions but on more fertile soils, associations Pinetum (sylvestris) convallariosum (majalis) often occur. Considerable areas are also occupied by communities of association Querceto (roboris)-Pineta sylvestris, which are formed on flat areas and at foots of the slopes. Communitites of the formation Querceta roboris are small in area and associated with the second sandy terrace of the Dnipro River. In oak forest, fragments of the synusiae of spring ephemeroids, Scilla bifolia and Corydalis solida, as well as rare for this region boreal species, Pyrola minor and Chimaphila umbellata, are present. On old pine forest clearings, derivative groups of Populeta tremulae are formed. Communities of this formation occur sporadically throughout the Park on small areas. In waterlogged ecotopes on the floodplains of Bile Lake there are small areas of Alneta glutinosae.

Keywords: Biloozersky National Nature Park, forest vegetation, classification, formation

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