ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2016, 73(3): 277–282
Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology

Endogenous cytokinins of the water fern Salvinia natans (Salviniaceae)

Vedenicheva N.P., Kosakivska I.V.

Endogenous cytokinins in organs of heterosporous annual hydrophyte fern Salvinia natans were studied for the first time. The main phytohormone isoforms were detected by HPLC: trans- and cis-zeatin, zeatin riboside, zeatin-Oglucoside, isopentenyladenosine and isopentenyladenine. The highest total active free cytokinins content was detected in floating fronds at the beginning of sporophyte development (stage of intensive growth). Conjugated form of zeatin appeared in organs at the reproductive stage of fern development, when the growth stopped. High cytokinins level was determined in sporocarps where intensive formation and maturation of spores took place. Changes in cytokinins spectrum and content in S. natans organs correspond to the fern development stages and indirectly indicate the phytohormone participation in growth and reproductive processes regulation. Cytokinins distribution between floating and submerged fronds gave evidence of functional non-equivalence of these organs and more significant role of floating fronds in phytohormone production.

Keywords: Salvinia natans, fern, cytokinins, ontogenesis, growth, development

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