Six new for Ukraine species of lichen-forming (Caloplaca borreri, Micarea viridiatra, Micarea viridileprosa, Porina guentheri, Schismatomma cretaceum, Xylographa vitiligo) and three species of lichenicolous fungi (Didymocyrtis pseudeverniae, Milospilum lacoizquetae, Psammina stipitata) from Gorgany Nature Reserve are reported. The materials were collected within the area of primeval spruce forests on bark of Acer pseudoplatanus, Abies alba, Fagus sylvatica, Pinus cembra, as well as on sandstone outcrops, wood and different lichens. The descriptions, localities, ecological and distribution data for these species are provided.
Keywords: Carpathians, primeval coniferous forests, bark, sandstone
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