ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2015, 72(6): 596–602
Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology

Role of bryophytes in renaturalization of the devastated areas of Nemyriv sulfur deposit (Lviv Region)

Shcherbachenko O.I., Rabyk I.V., Lobachevska O.V.

The obtained results suggest the positive role of pioneer species of mosses in improvement of edaphotope conditions in the area of underground sulfur melting. The importance of a dominant species, Dicranella cerviculata, as the initiator of embryonic development of humus horizon on technogenic substrates, is highlighted. The dependence of the level of organic carbon accumulation in the moss litter on the dead biomass of D. cerviculata and edaphotope conditions (pH and humidity) was detected. In addition, it was found that conditions under the bryophyte cover are favorable for the development of soil biota and, consequently, for the restoration of plant cover, mostly due to higher humidity, the organic carbon content and decreased acidity of the technogenic substrate. Thus, evaluation of mosses in the area of sulfur underground meltings demonstrates the important role of these plants in restoration of technogenic landscapes of sulfur deposits.

Keywords: sulfur underground melting, bryophytes, actual acidity, humidity, organic carbon

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