Ukr. Bot. J. 2015, 72(5): 498–504 Physiology, Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology
Epidermis characteristics of the seedlings of the Cactoideae (Cactaceae) plants
Kalashnyk H.V.1, Gajdarzhy M.M.2- 1 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, ESC Institute of Biology, Department of botany
- 2 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, ESC Institute of Biology, scientific laboratory Introduced and natural phytodiversity
- 1, S. Petliury Str., Kyiv, 01032, Ukraine
The objective of our investigation was to search the epidermis of Cactoideae Eaton seedlings and to compare characteristics of epidermis in different parts of the plant (hypocotyl and stem). We researched the 3-month old seedlings of ten cacti species. The epidermis characteristics of the stem and hypocotyl, such as number of epidermis cells per mm², size of epidermis cells, number of stomata per mm², size of stomata and stomatal index, were studied. It is demonstrated that the epidermis cells have a large size, and the size of these cells in the hypocotyl is significantly larger than that in the stem. Their projections and forms in different parts of the stem are also different. The paracytic type stomata are large. They are much more abundant in the stem than in the hypocotyls; the differences in the size of stomata are also observed. Thus the studied quantitative and qualitative epidermis characteristics significantly vary not only in members of different species, but also in different parts of the same plant (stem and hypocotyl). It is demonstrated that at the early stages of ontogeny, the epidermis develops towards increasing its xeromorphic basic features.
Keywords: Cactaceae, stem epidermis, stoma, Cactoideae
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