ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2014, 71(6): 703–707
Plant Taxonomy, Geography and Floristics

Ecological, coenotic and chorological features of synanthropic species of the genus Linum in the flora of Ukraine

Optasyuk O.M., Korotchenko I.A.

Results of research and eco-coenotic and chorological features of synanthropic species of the genus Linum in the flora of Ukraine: L. trigynum, L. bienne (hemiapophytes), L. nodiflorum, L. corymbulosum (eventapophytes), L. usitatissimum (ergasiophyte). These species are characterized by wide ecological amplitudes; by their relation to soil humidity most species are hemistenotopic submesophytes, to soil humidity variance – hemieurytopic hemihydrocontrastophiles, to soil acidity – hemistenotopic neutrophiles, and to soil aeration – stenotopic subaerophiles. In relation to the general salt regime of soil, hemistenotopic eutrophic species predominate; to the carbonate content in soil – hemistenotopic acarbonatophiles, to the assimilable nitrogen content in the soil – hemistenotopic heminitrophiles. The leading coenotic group is asectators (not dominant nor subdominants) confined mainly to disturbed ecotopes in mixed segetal-and-ruderal communities. The studied species belong to the Mediterranean geoelement type that includes Eastern Mediterranean (L. bienne, L. corymbulosum, L. nodiflorum) and Mediterranean (L. trigynum) geoelements.

Keywords: Linum, synanthropic species, ecology, coenology, chorology, flora, Ukraine

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