ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2013, 70(5): 610–613
Plant Taxonomy, Geography and Floristics

The taxonomic structure of the flora of Biloozersky National Nature Park

Yarova O.A.1, Fedoronchuk M.M.2

Taxonomic structure of the vascular flora of Biloozersky National Nature Park was analyzed. It comprises 512 species, 315 genera, 92 families, and 4 divisions. The leading role in the park flora spectrum belongs to the family Asteraceae (13.7 %) which is typical for the majority of Holarctic floras. The index for ratio between the numbers of Asteraceae and Lamiaceae species is 2.5, which is characteristic for the floras of Boreal and Nemoral areas (2.1–3.8). However, the index ratio between Asteraceae and Cyperaceae is considerably higher (5.8) and is characteristic for the floras of the Boreal and Nemoral regions (0.6–1.8) approaching the floras of the Mediterranean floristic region (3.6–7.8). This phenomenon can be explained by the law percentage of Cyperaceae species in the flora of the National Park. This is due to the low number of habitats suitable for the representatives of family Cyperaceae.

Keywords: Biloosersky National Nature Park, flora, taxonomic structure, leading families, generic spectrum, species, floristic areas

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