ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2013, 70(4): 547–551
Red Data Book of Ukraine

New records of two rare macromycetes in the North western part of the Black Sea region (Ukraine)

Babenko O.A., Popova O.M.

As a result of mycological expeditions to the North western part of the Black Sea region in 2010–2012, two new records of macro­mycetes listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine (2009), Leucoagaricus barssii (Zeller) Vellinga and Myriostoma coliforme (Dicks.) Corda, are reported. Detailed diagnoses, original figures of microstructures, and descriptions of habitat vegetation are given.

Keywords: Myriostoma coliforme, Leucoagaricus barssii, new records, Red Data Book of Ukraine, North western part of the Black Sea region

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