ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2013, 70(1): 27–34
Vegetation Science, Ecology, Conservation

Metapopulation organization of rare species of plants in the Ukrainian Carpathians

Kobiv Y.Y.

Metapopulation organization is peculiar mostly to short-lived rare taxa (Pedicularis oederi Vahl, Tozzia alpina L. subsp. Carpatica (Woł.) Dostál) and stenotopic plants confined to localities with special ecological and coenotic conditions, e.g. rocks (Achillea oxyloba (DC.) Schultz Bip. subsp. schurii (Schultz Bip.) Heimerl, Draba siliquosa M. Bieb., Rumex scutatus L.) or calcareous fens (Pinguicula vulgaris L., Swertia perennis L. subsp. alpestris (Baumg. ex Fuss) Simonk.). In short-lived taxa, considerable interannual fluctuations or even extinction of some local populations is compensated by higher stability of the whole metapopulation. Number and size of local components making a metapopulation depend on the colonization ability of the species.

Long-term existence of metapopulations of some stenotopic rare species needs suitable patches for colonization. Therefore such patches should be provided after changes in the land use mode, e.g. after farmland abandonment or organization of nature reserves.

Keywords: metapopulation, local population, rare species, suitable patches, Ukrainian Carpathians

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