ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2019, 76(6): 533–541
Red Data Book of Ukraine

Representativity of Pinus cembra (Pinaceae) in natural protected fund of Ukraine

Popovych S.Yu., Mykhaylovych N.V., Hrysiuk T.S.

Due to anthropogenic impact on vegetation cover, importance of the outphytosozological studies of coniferous plants of the Ukrainian Carpathians is emphasized. Pinus cembra is one of the rare species of trees in Europe and its in situ and ex situ conservation in Ukraine is required. At present, P. cembra is under protection in its natural habitats within 25 objects of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine and 71 objects of artificial plantations (in total of 10 categories). The network of the protected areas consists of two biosphere reserves, one nature reserve, six national nature parks, one regional landscape park, eight reserves (of which five are botanical), 13 botanical nature monuments, seven protected forest parcels, 14 botanical gardens, 16 dendrological parks, and 21 monuments of landscape art. The largest natural plant communities of P. cembra are located in Gorgany Nature Reserve (539 ha). As a result of the inventory studies, the boundaries of its cultivation area in Ukraine were defined. It is obvious that the most widespread cultivation of P. cembra is within the Carpathian Mountains (20 objects). The Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine and the zone of deciduous forests of Ukraine (14 and 16 objects, respectively) provide sufficiently suitable ecological conditions for cultivation of P. cembra. The least number of artificial plantations under protection were found in the Mixed Forest zone (4) and the Steppe zone of Ukraine (6 objects). The largest number of the protected natural forests (16) and artificial plantations (11 objects) was registered in Ivano-Frankivsk Region. Plants aged ca. 250 years were revealed under artificial conditions (in cultivation).

Keywords: area of plant species, ex situ, in situ, natural geographic regions, Pinus cembra, protection of plant species, reserved localites

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