ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2019, 76(6): 493–498
Fungi and Fungi-like Organisms

Biological peculiarities of a rare mushroom Sparassis nemecii (Sparassidaceae, Polyporales) on plant substrates in pure culture

Pasailiuk M.V.

Mycelium growth in culture and morphological features of Sparassis nemecii 2327 on eleven multicomponent substrates were studied. The substrate components included: wheat grain, sunflower husk, pumpkin husk, peanut husk, wheat straw, conifer shavings, and plant litter from coniferous forest. The substrate components and their ratios suitable for obtaining mycelium of the fungus were selected. It was established that wheat grain is a compulsory substrate component for productive cultivation of the mycelium of S. nemecii. The combination of the components and mechanical properties of the substrate are also important factors for mycelium growth of S. nemecii. Densely packed substrates were found to be more appropriate. Substrates no. 2 (wheat grain/ conifer shavings/ sunflower husk/ wheat straw – 8/2/1/1) and no. 7 (wheat grain/ forest litter – 1/2) were the best compositions suitable for mycelium growth of S. nemecii under laboratory conditions. By the 25th day of the experiment, a degree of overgrown substrate no. 2 and no. 7 was 85% and 75%, respectively. Vegetative mycelium obtained on the substrate no. 2 was dense, of creamy milk color, with a small number of air hyphae. White mycelium with a large number of air hyphae was observed on other substrates, with separate components clearly visible. Under laboratory conditions we have not obtained fungal fruit bodies similar in size and weight to natural ones. Thus our further experiments will be carried out to determine optimal cultivation conditions (temperature, light, pH, etc.) for growing fruit bodies of S. nemecii as well as substrate weight and its components ratio, based on the already obtained data on mycelium growth.

Keywords: cultivation, mycelium overgrowth, overgrown substrate, wheat grain

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