ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2019, 76(2): 114–120
Fungi and Fungi-like Organisms

Micromorphological characteristics of the species of Pholiota (Strophariaceae, Basidiomycota) in pure culture

Regeda L.V., Bisko N.A.

The article presents results of the research on micromorphology of vegetative mycelia of eight species of the genus Pholiota from the IBK Mushroom Culture Collection of the M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy, the micromorphological structures specific to these species were studied in order to enable their identification in pure culture. New data on micromorphology of Pholiota species are given. A set of micromorphological structures was observed for this genus, namely clamp connections, chlamydospores, arthrospores, anastomoses, crystals on hyphae, hyphal rings, rhizomorphs, pellicle spots, hyphae ornamentation, and secretory hyphae. For the first time a detailed study of microstructures of P. alnicola, P. limonella, P. nameko, P. populnea, and P. subochracea was conducted. Secretory hyphae and vacuolized mycelia in pure culture were noticed only for P. populnea. For P. subochracea, various hyphae ornamentation on vegetative mycelium was demonstrated. New information about the presence of hyphal rings for three Pholiota species, P. alnicola, P. limonella, and P. subochracea, is presented.

Keywords: light microscopy, macrofungi, micromorphological structures, Pholiota, pure culture, scanning electron microscopy, vegetative mycelium

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