ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2024, 81(3): 189–202
Plant Taxonomy, Geography and Floristics

Notes on the taxonomy of the species complex Symphytum tuberosum (Boraginaceae) and on the interpretation of the name S. microcalix

Kovalchuk A.

The name Symphytum microcalix originally published by P.M. Opiz is currently interpreted in two different ways, namely as a synonym of Symphytum officinale or as a name of a taxon from the S. tuberosum aggregate. The application of the name is discussed based on the analysis of Opiz’s protologue, with notes on the origin of the authentic material, and on the spelling of the name. It is concluded that Opiz’s description was most likely based on an anomalous plant of Symphytum bohemicum and thus it is not applicable to any representatives of the S. tuberosum aggregate. Further nomenclatural and taxonomic issues within the S. tuberosum aggr. are discussed, with a special emphasis on the status of Ukrainian representatives of this species complex.

Keywords: comfrey, history of botany, nomenclature, Opiz, polyploidy

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