ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2019, 76(3): 243–251
Red Data Book of Ukraine

Current state of the population of Cochlearia pyrenaica (Brassicaceae) in Northern Podillya National Nature Park

Yurechko R.Y.

The article presents results of the study on the current population state of Cochlearia pyrenaica. The only locality of this species in Ukraine outside its main range is in Verkhobuzkyi Landscape Reserve (zakaznyk) of local significance near Koltiv village (Lviv Region). At present this area is being included into Northern Podillya (Pivnichne Podillya) National Nature Park. The species is listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine (2009) as Endangered. Over the last ten years, a general decrease in the population of this species has been recorded. The results obtained during recent years show a significant fluctuation in the number of individuals of C. pyrenaica every year. It is worth noting that not all flowering individuals produce fruits; a considerable part of them dries out. Indicators of the population state (number of generative and vegetative individuals, vitality) and habitat (area of appropriate habitat, actual population area, extent of overgrowth with trees, bushes and their sprouts, surrounding plant communities, expansive species and competitors, height of grass layer, plant litter, water availability, etc.) are characterized and evaluated. Some measures for protecting the population of C. pyrenaica are recommended including restoration of hydrological regime of Verkhobuzkyi Landscape Reserve and re-introduction of species individuals into appropriate marsh habitats. Expediency of establishing a seed bank and ex situ conservation of C. pyrenaica is considered.

Keywords: Cochlearia pyrenaica, conservation, endangered species, habitat, Red Data Book of Ukraine, Verkhobuzkyi Landscape Reserve

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