ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2019, 76(1): 9–23
Plant Taxonomy, Geography and Floristics

Pollen morphology of species of Dipsacus (Dipsacaceae) in the flora of Ukraine: significance for taxonomy and spore-pollen analysis

Tsymbalyuk Z.M., Bezusko L.G., Mosyakin S.L., Nitsenko L.M.

Pollen morphology of six species of the genus Dipsacus (Dipsacaceae) in the flora of Ukraine was studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. Pollen grains of these species are 3-porate, spheroidal, ellipsoidal or oblate-spheroidal; largesized. Their outline in equatorial view is circular or oval, in polar view circular-triangular. Pores are distinct, lolongate, circular and elliptical, with an annulus and operculum. Sculpture exine is spinate-spinulate. Additional characters of taxa of Dipsacus diagnostic at the species level for the purposes of taxonomy are the dimensions of pollen and pores, shape of pores, width of the annulus, structure of the operculum, structure of the exine, and the size and location of spines. The size of pollen and pores, shape of pores, and the width of the annulus are promising for the pollen identification in the spore-pollen analysis. The exine sculpture can be used for identification of pollen at the generic level. Palynomorphological data are partly consistent with the traditional system of genus. The significance of morphological features of pollen grains of representatives of the genus Dipsacus is more obvious at the species level. The available paleofloristic data on the participation of pollen grains of Dipsacaceae in the composition of subfossil spore-pollen spectra and palynofloras of the deposits of the Upper Pleistocene – Holocene of Ukraine are generalized. The high degree of fluctuation in participation of pollen of representatives of Dipsacus in paleofloristic material has been revealed. The generalized data allowed to substantiate the possibility and significance of the use of the presented palynomorphological data for taxa of Dipsacus of the flora of Ukraine in the practice of palynological studies of the Pleistocene and Holocene deposits.

Keywords: diagnostic characters, Dipsacaceae, Dipsacus, fossil palynoflora, Holocene, morphology, paleofloristics, pollen, taxonomy, Ukraine, Upper Pleistocene

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