ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2018, 75(6): 538–551
Mycological Records

New and noteworthy records of coprophilous species of Coniochaeta and Sordaria (Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota) from Ukraine

Lytvynenko Yu.I.1, Hayova V.P.2

The article reports new data on the occurrence of five coprophilous species of the genera Coniochaeta and Sordaria in Ukraine. These fungi represent a large group of coprophilous Sordariomycetes. Unlike fimicolous discomycetes, this group of fungi is poorly studied in Ukraine. The dung samples were collected on Tendra Island in the Black Sea (Kherson Region), and in the north-east of the country (Sumy Region). All specimens were obtained by incubating of the dung samples in moist chambers. Three species, Coniochaeta leucoplaca, C. vagans, and Sordaria minima are newly reported in Ukraine; the latter is for the first time recorded in Eastern Europe. For other two species, Sordaria alcina and S. humana, these are the second records in the country. For all species, descriptions of the Ukrainian specimens on various types of dung are provided and compared to original descriptions. Based on the collected specimens, distinctive morphological characters of the species are described in detail. All species are illustrated by micrographs obtained using light and scanning electron microscopy. For each specimen, its locality, substrate, and collection date are indicated. In addition to morphological characters, ecological peculiarities and data on general distribution of these species are briefly discussed.

Keywords: Coniochaeta leucoplaca, Coniochaeta vagans, Sordaria alcina, Sordaria humana, Sordaria minima, coprophilous fungi, dung, distribution

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