ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2018, 75(6): 525–527
Vegetation Science, Ecology, Conservation

Nomenclature revision as a prerequisite for producing a vegetation prodromus (a case study of Dzharylgach National Nature Park)

Davydova A.O.

In the article we highlight problems of using phytosociological nomenclature in preparation of regional prodromes of vegetation. Among the results of the revision of the vegetation prodromus of Dzharylgach Island (Dzharylgach National Nature Park) are corrected authorship and dates of the syntaxa of coastal and halophytic vegetation within the classes Crithmo-Staticetea, Festucetea vaginatae and Festuco-Puccinellietea. In particular, the association Lactuco tataricae-Elytrigietum bessarabicae Korzhenevsky ex Davydova ass. nov. has been validated; the phantom associations Artemisietum arenariae and Puccinellietum fominii were found to be correct; correct authorship and dates for the association Secali-Stipetum borysthenicae and alliance Puccinellion fominii are provided. The examples are followed by explanations of the causes of invalidity, evidence of proper attribution of the authorship or date, and references to relevant articles of the third edition of the International Code of Phytosocological Nomenclature.

Keywords: syntaxonomy, phytosociological nomenclature, validation, phantoms

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