Information about type specimens (holotypes, isotypes, lectotypes, isolectotypes, other authentic specimens) of 11 taxa of the family Orchidaceae described from the territory of Crimea (Anacamptis pyramidalis var. orientalis, Epipactis krymmontana, E. taurica, Limodorum abortivum var. viridis, Orchis caprina, O. cassidea, O. comperiana, O. punctulata, O. wanjkowii, Ophrys oestrifera, O. aranifera var. taurica) is generalized. For each taxon, the following data are provided: basionym, main synonyms, category of the type (holotype, lectotype, and other authentic specimens), original nomenclatural citation, herbarium of deposit, critical notes, and images of types.
Keywords: Orchidaceae, lectotype, isolectotype, holotype, isotype, authentic specimens, Crimea, Ukraine
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