ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2017, 74(3): 203–211
Plant Taxonomy, Geography and Floristics

Pollen morphology of species of the genus Viburnum (Viburnaceae / Adoxaceae) in the flora of Ukraine for spore-pollen analysis

Tsymbalyuk Z.M., Bezusko L.G.

Using light and scanning electron microscopy, pollen grains of three species of the genus Viburnum represented in the flora of Ukraine were studied. Pollen grains of the studied species are 3-colporate, ellipsoidal, spheroidal or oblate spheroidal, medium-sized. Their outline in equatorial view is elliptical or circular, in polar view 3-lobed or triangular. Colpi are long, with pointed ends. Pores are distinct, circular or elliptic. Sculpture exine spinulose-macroreticulate (V. lantana) and macroreticulate (V. opulus and V. tinus). Participation of pollen grains of Viburnum sp. in subfossil spore-pollen spectra of the plain part of Ukraine is analyzed; the conclusion is confirmed that the presence of fossil pollen of Viburnum in palynological spectra justifies spread of elements of the shrubby vegetation types during the Holocene in the territory of Ukraine's Steppe zone. The spatiotemporal differentiation of distribution patterns of Viburnum sp., V. opulus and V. lantana during the Holocene in the plain part of Ukraine is revealed for the first time.The use of diagnostic characters of pollen grains of species of Viburnum and their original micrographs in spore-pollen studies of the Quaternary sediments of Ukraine will enhance palaeobotanical reconstructions, add more details to the reconstructed history and distribution patterns of these species in space and time.

Keywords: Viburnum, pollen grains, morphology, diagnostic features, spore-pollen analysis, Ukraine

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