ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2016, 73(6): 593–599
Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology

Features of leaf of Pittosporum tobira (Pittosporaceae) under different growth conditions

Boyko L.I.

The article provides data on anatomical and morphological structure of the leaf blade of Pittosporum tobira. Two types of trichomes on leaf surface are present: branched stretched double-peak and unbranched simple thread-like. Micromorphological study of leaf blade showed that leaves of this species are anisostomatic. Stomata are located randomly. It was revealed that under industrial conditions thickness of an adaxial epiderma slightly increases whereas thickness of an abaxial epiderma and palisade parenchyma decreases (owing to reduced number of parenchyma layers and cell size). The research on pigmentary system in leaves of the species demonstrated content indices of chlorophyll and carotenoids and their quantitative changes under various conditions of cultivation. The chlorophyll a content in the plants, which are grown under industrial conditions, has slightly decreased, while the chlorophyll b content has significantly increased (188% of control). The results of the research show that leaf tomentum amount, number and size of stomata, size of mesophyll cells, and content of photosynthetic pigments are diagnostic features for assessment of plants adaptation opportunities under various conditions of cultivation.

Keywords: Pittosporum tobira, leaf blade, trichomes, stomata, anatomical structure

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