ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2016, 73(6): 568–578
Vegetation Science, Ecology, Conservation

Application of the DRSA technique, a non-parametric cluster analysis, in vegetation classification

Goncharenko I.V.

Advantages of the original clustering method of DRSA, or Distance-Ranked Sorting Assembling, for vegetation classification are discussed. Using ranks in determining distances between objects provides robust clustering in case of noisy and heterogeneous phytocoenotic data. Algorithm of objects agglomeration is based on ranking objects by the indices of freeness and connectedness as well as on assessing clusters within k-NN graph’s framework. Clusters are assembled iteratively for some time to be finalized at the maximum of cluster’s connectivity. We also consider in detail approaches to assess classification quality of phytocoenotic dataset including degree of cluster’s (phytocoenon) compactness-distinctness and amount of differential species. We propose using nominal correlation coefficients to evaluate concordance of phytocoenotic classifications and contingency tables to compare frequencies of common releves between different classifications. Phytocoenon’s compactness and distinctness are evaluated using well-known internal cluster validation indices, e.g. silhouette statistics. We introduced CDR-index (compactness / distinctness ratio) which is calculated from the score of average similarity of within-phytocoenon and between-phytocoenons releves. Total amount of faithful (differential) species and average amount of them per phytocoenon as floristic index of partitioning quality were used. We classified differential species on a statistical basis calculating specied-to-cluster fidelity index and selecting species with fidelity above defined fidelity’s threshold. Using the sample phytocoenotic datasets we proved that both internal and floristic indices of classification quality improve after the exclusion of transient releves with ecotonic species composition. In the DRSA method, noise detection is carried out during cluster agglomeration; this objectifies rejecting ecotonic releves according to Braun-Blanquet approach as well as increases amount of differential species and thus improves phytocoenons interpretability.

Keywords: DRSA, cluster analysis, Braun-Blanquet approach, phytocoenon, quality of classification

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