ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2016, 73(6): 545–556
Vegetation Science, Ecology, Conservation

A new population of Sesleria uliginosa (Poaceae) in Opillya (Ukraine) and threats of its extinction

Dmytrash-Vatseba I.I.1, Didukh Ya.P.2, Shumska N.V.1

Area, size and age structure of a new population of Sesleria uliginosa found near Pukiv village (Rohatyn District, Ivano-Frankivsk Region) were investigated. Eco-coenotic features of the habitat in Southern Opillya were studied. The population is located on a wetland of a total area about 9 ha in a valley of the Studenyi Potik River tributary. The population occupies an area of 1 ha and is divided into three loci outside of which only single plants occur. Mature generative plants predominate in the population that includes also young generative and pregenerative ones. In some patches on the wetland, Carex davalliana and Cladium mariscus s. l. predominate (species characteristic to Caricion davallianae), but S. uliginosa grows beyond these patches, in drier conditions. The population of S. uliginosa belongs to communities of Molinion caerulaeae union (Molinietalia order). According to synphytoindication analysis of the communities, Ukrainian populations of S. uliginosa grow outside the climatic optimum that falls on Central Europe. The main threat to populations of S. uliginosa and other rare plant species is probable expansion of Solidago canadensis into the central part of the wetland in case of its reclamation.

Keywords: Sesleria uliginosa, population, habitat, plant community, Opillya, Ukraine

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