Ukr. Bot. J. 2016, 73(5): 453–460 Taxonomy, Geography and Floristics
Microalgae Culture Collection (IBASU-A) as an object of national heritage of Ukraine
Borysova O.V., Tsarenko P.M., Konishchuk M.O.- M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Science of Ukraine
- 2, Tereshchenkivska Str., Kyiv, 01004, Ukraine
The article is devoted to the Microalgae Culture Collection (IBASU-A) which is listed as an object of national neritage of Ukraine since 2013. Information on the structure, taxonomic diversity of IBASU-A and conditions of culture preservation is provided. The species composition including some new or rare species of the algal flora of Ukraine and algae with valuable properties for biotechnology are characterized. The IBASU-A collection holds nearly 500 strains of halophilic and freshwater microalgae, 300 of them originated from various regions of Ukraine. IBASU-A is also supplemented with 270 strains of satellite bacteria isolated from algal cultures (overall 1250 units of preservation). This provides reliable material for use both in research and biotechnological studies. A catalogue of the collection was published in 2014. Future plans include the expansion and diversification of the IBASU-A catalogue with an emphasis on rare, endemic and endangered species as well as formation of the database.
Keywords: culture collection, microalgae, national heritage
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