ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2016, 73(3): 219–233
Plant Taxonomy, Geography and Floristics

The range of morphological characters of Brassicaceae s. l.: fruit and seeds

Ilyinska A.P.

The results of a comparative analysis of a range of 20 morphological characters of fruits and seeds for three closely related families, Capparaceae, Cleomaceae and Brassicaceae s. str., which according to molecular phylogenetic studies may be merged into Brassicaceae s. l., are provided. It is shown that all three families have a wide variety of morphological characters of fruits and seeds. The apomorphic structures of the seeds are rare. These include replum (which distinguishes fruits of Brassicaceae s. str. and Cleomaceae from those of Capparaceae), false septum (which is observed only in fruits of Brassicaceae s. str.) and possibly arcuate embryo (present in Cleomaceae and Capparaceae, lacking in Brassicaceae s. str.). Other structural features of fruits and seeds are plesiomorphic characters. It has been found that each family possesses a certain complex of the most common and very rare structural characters of fruits and seeds. For all three families, the complexes of such characters are given. The main historical trends in transformation of the structural elements of the generative and vegetative organs of the crucifers are discussed. It is assumed that the main evolutionary morphological trends of the studied modern families are caused by adaptation of the ancestral type of Brassicaceae s. l. to the constantly thermophilic (mainly tropics, Capparaceae), thermo-xerophilous (seasonally dry tropical and subtropical ecotopes, Cleomaceae) and cryo-xerophilic (various habitats of continental climate, Brassicaceae s. str.) environments. Adaptation of the ancestral type of Brassicaceae s. l. to seasonal climate habitats presumably caused transition from zoo- to anemochory and was likely a driving factor in promoting discontinuous nature of meristem function. Moreover, it resulted in reduction of various structural elements of the plants which ultimately led to formation of a separate family Brassicaceae s. str.

Keywords: Capparaceae, Cleomaceae, Brassicaceae, morphology, evolution, adaptation, fruit, seed, embryo

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