Ukr. Bot. J. 2014, 71(3): 313–316 Taxonomy, Geography and Floristics
Biomorphological analysis of the higher aquatic flora of the basins in northern Podillya
I.M. Mykhalyuk- Taras Shevchenko Kremenets Regional Humanitarian-Pedagogical Institute, Ternopil Region
A comparative characteristic of higher aquatic flora in northern Podillya with other hydrophilic floras from other regions of Ukraine is given. The biomorphological analysis is based on the following indicators: type of plant by I. Serebryakov, life form by C. Raunkier, general appearance, duration of vital cycle, type of above ground and underground shoots, type of pollination and dispersal of diaspores.
Keywords: higher aquatic flora, biomorph, macrophytes, biomorphological structure, northern Podillya
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