ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2013, 70(4): 467–478
Plant Taxonomy, Geography and Floristics

Modern approaches to classificationof fruits of Brassicaceae: a case study of taxa occurring in Ukraine

Iljinska A.P.

The faceted classification of fruits of Brassicaceae (taxa of the flora of Ukraine) has been developed on the basis of studies of their structural diversity in the species growing with in the territory of Ukraine and beyond its borders, as well as the analysis of the published data. It is hypothesized that the primary ancestal type of fruit in Brassicaceae was a monomericarp or valvoid one (siliqua without the ‘beak’). Dimericarp, a siliqua with the ‘beak’, is considered a specialized, novel carpological structure in the family. The absence of a septum and the formation of the particular separation zone in fruits, changing the growth direction of carpels, should also be considered among innovative morphological features of the fruit, which resulted in increase of the general level of their structural organization. Reducing the size of the fruit, the gradual reduction of its elements, the weakening of functioning of the locular separation zone, reduction of the number of seeds in the fruit, and the reduction of the loculi of these are characters that enhance the adaptivity of species to changing environmental conditions. In the flora of Ukraine best represented are the genera and species that have latiseptate-segregate-locular long or short monomericarps (Cardamine, Arabis, Sisymbrium, Barbarea, Rorippa, Hesperis, Alyssum, Schivereckia et all.) and synarticulate-septate dimericarps (Diplotaxis, Kibera, Eruca, Brassica, Erucastrum et all.). Aseptato-segregate monomericarps (Biscutella) and choriarticulate-septate or choriarticulate-pseudoseptate dimericarps (Rapistrum, Cakile, Crambe) are represented by a few species and genera.

It is assumed that carpological evolution in Brassicaceae was directed toward the formation of the diversity of propagules from the ‘protected’ seeds, i.e. is a reflection of optimization ways of dissemination and distribution of plants. For the studied crucifers, seven types of generative diaspores caused by structural features of the fruit are identified.

Keywords: Brassicaceae, classification, fruits, morphological novelties, systematics, adaptive evolution, dissemination, flora, Ukraine

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