ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
  • 5 of 7
Ukr. Bot. J. 2018, 75(3): 260–273
Vegetation Science, Ecology, Conservation

The biotopes of the Krasna River basin (Luhansk Region, Ukraine) and their analysis

Chusova O.O.

Diversity of the biotopes of the Krasna river basin (Luhansk Region, Ukraine) is analyzed and a classification scheme according to the principles of UserBio classification up to the fifth level of the hierarchy is developed. It is determined that all biotopes belong to five types: C – inland surface waters; D – water logged grassland biotopes; E – mesophytic and xerophytic grassland biotopes (meadows, steppes, heaths); F – shrubs; G – forests. Characteristic of the represented biotopes is given and the degree of their differentiation into various types is determined. An ordinational analysis was carried out and ecological specificity of the studied biotopes was revealed. By the total effect of limiting ecofactors, four main groups of biotopes are distinguished: petrophytic steppe, meadowbog, forest and shrubs. The differentiation of petrophytic steppe herbal xerophytic coenoses is due to changes in the acid and salt regime, as well as to the continental climate and associated lighting. The meadow bog hygrophytic biotopes depend on the soil humidity, aeration of the soil and the nitrogen content in it; humidity is a regulating factor for deciduous forest phytocoenoses; for the psamophytic groups the most important are the variability of damping and cryoclimate. The biotopes of coniferous forests and shrubs are not related to the limiting effect of these factors due to the ecotonic character of those biotopes.

Keywords: classification, hierarchical distribution, Steppe zone of Ukraine, DCA-ordination, phytodynamics, limiting factors

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