ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2017, 74(6): 539–547
Plant Taxonomy, Geography and Floristics

Linnaea borealis (Caprifoliaceae) in Ukraine: palynomorphological and paleofloristic aspects

Tsymbalyuk Z.M., Bezusko L.G.

Pollen morphology of Linnaea borealis (Caprifoliaceae s. l.; Linnaeaceae s. str.) was studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. Pollen grains are 3(4)-colporate, prolate, spheroidal or oblate-spheroidal in shape, medium- and largesized. Their outline in equatorial view is elliptical, oval or circular, in polar view slightly 3-lobed or circular-triangular to circularrectangular. Colpi are short or medium in length, slit-shaped, with pointed ends; membranes are smooth. Endoapertures are indistinct or distinct, with thickened margins. Exine sculpture is spinulose. According to the generalized materials of paleoflora studies of the Upper Pleistocene–Holocene deposits in Ukraine, the history of distribution of L. borealis in space and time has been reconstructed. The use of integrated paleofloristic and radiocarbon data allowed reconstructions of spatiotemporal patterns of distribution and dispersal of L. borealis during the Alleroed – Holocene. The case study of L. borealis confirmed the promising use of paleofloristic data for further paleobotanical reconstructions, for paleochorological and recent chorological research, and for solving the problem of glacial relics and their refugia.

Keywords: Linnaea borealis, pollen grains, morphology, diagnostic features, spore-pollen analysis

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