ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2014, 71(3): 381–391
General Issues, Reviews and Discussions

A concept of flora and its elementary unit

Yu. R. Shelyag-Sosonko

Substantiation of elementary unit of flora is one of scientific biodiversity, because of analogous units in geobotany and plant taxonomy were already determined long ago. The author of the article supposes to distinguish it on the basis of species groups, where occurrence at the concrete area is not low of the third class. Floristic complex having quite distinct natural borders and ecological evidence is an initial unit of territorial flora organization. In its essence flora as something else component of biodiversity is not geographical but is ecological phenomenon, territorial dimension of which is determined by the generality degree of species composition. This is a material hierarchic system, single-type by species composition, floristic complexes of which form an elementary flora. Posterior levels of its hierarchic organization are defined on the basis of generality: of generic spectrum, ecomorph, biomorph and other indices. The article presents principally new comprehension of the main elementary basic units of floristics: of floristic complex and elementary flora accentuated floristic direction of flora classification as opposed to the present in floristics understanding “elementary” flora as the least unit of the landscape regionalization.

Keywords: flora, floristic complex, criteria, definition, facies, biotope, structure, population, classification, regionalization

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