ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
  • 8 of 19
Ukr. Bot. J. 2013, 70(5): 630–634
Vegetation Science, Ecology, Conservation

Synanthropization valuation of forest communities of Romny-Poltava geobotanical district

Davydov D.A.

Results of synanthropization valuation of forests of Romny-Poltava geobotanical district are indicated. The concise analysis of synanthropic fraction of the forest flora is carried out. The sharp difference between natural forest communities and artificial ones are shown. Pine forests (Vaccinio-Piceetea classis) have the least number of synanthropic plant species. Willow and poplar communities (Salicetea purpureae classis) are the mostly synanthropized on this territory.

Keywords: synanthropization level, forest communities, coenoflora, association, Romny-Poltava district

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