ISSN 2415-8860 (online), ISSN 0372-4123 (print)
logoUkrainian Botanical Journal
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Ukr. Bot. J. 2013, 70(1): 103–107
Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology

The role of sugars in salicylate-induced adaptation of plants to cadmium ions

Boiko I.V., Kobyletska M.S., Terek O.I.

The effect of cadmium ions and salicylic acid on sugar content (soluble and total) was studied. The changes of carbohydrate composition of plants under the influence of the investigated factors were estimated. The authors noted a difference in the accumulation of sugars in plant tissues depending on genetically determined mechanisms of plant resistance to the action of heavy metals. It is assumed that the effect of salicylate in a stressful environment is directed to increasing of the natural specific and nonspecific defense reactions of plants.

Keywords: carbohydrates, salicylic acid, cadmium, stress protection, Zea mays, Triticum aestivum

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